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// BarryServer : Git / IRCWebHooks / blob / f3cb9f0deb7eed1c8666e950c52f074f400e2bf3 / README

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Barry Updating README 0602b6c (3 years, 4 months ago)
# IRC Web Hook Bot
This is a simple IRC bot that posts the content of POST requests it receives.

It runs a small webserver, and connects to an IRC server.

## How to install
Download the code, then run `make`, `sudo ./bot`.

Root access is required to make use of low port numbers, but you can run the webserver on any port.

If you want to change any settings, edit `src/config.h`, then run `make clean install`

## How to use
By default the bot will join the channels specified in the config.
To get it to join more channels, private message the bot in the server and send `JOIN #channel`.

You can also use `LEAVE #channel` to get it to leave.

It will by default send notifications to all channels it is joined to.

Only allowed users can control the bot from IRC. 
You can specify users by an ident or a vhost in the config.      
You may specify as many as you like by separating them with a comma

Only want it to message one channel, or a specific user?

Send the webhook to the channel name, e.g. ``, or ``.

`@` specified that you want to message a user.

## How to call a webhook
The bot reads from POST data, specifically the data sent in `content`.
This content is plaintext, not URL encoded.

So, assuming your WEB_AUTH is set to "user:password", `curl -k -X POST -u user:password -d 'content=Hello, World!'` will send `Hello, World!` directly to the user with the nick `Barry`.