BarryServer : Git

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// BarryServer : Git / OrionLibC / blob / master / unistd / dup.c

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Barry Importing existing Orion LibC 03048a9 (2 years, 3 months ago)
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <errno.h>

/* Duplicate an open file descriptor */
dup(int oldfd)
	int ret;
	asm volatile("int $0x80" : "=a" (ret) : "0" (SYSCALL_DUP),
	             "c" (1), "S" (&oldfd));
	if (ret >= 0)
		return ret;
	errno = -ret;
	return -1;

/* Duplicate an open file descriptor to a specified file descriptor */
dup2(int oldfd, int newfd)
	int ret;
	asm volatile("int $0x80" : "=a" (ret) : "0" (SYSCALL_DUP2),
	             "c" (2), "S" (&oldfd));
	if (ret >= 0)
		return ret;
	errno = -ret;
	return -1;